Hey Gang,
Well it must be obvious I don’t have a new comic here today. I’m on the road Thursday thru Sunday helping to chaperone my daughter’s Middle School singing group at the Heritage Music Festival in New Orleans. It’s her last year and I’ve never gone on the music festival trip and this year it’s in New Orleans! So I said I’m coming along this time. The sticking point is that I’m here with 12 middle school girls….. there are an equal number of parents so we’ll be one big musical family (until Sunday when the gloves come off)
This Sunday is May 1st, One Small Step’s 5th birthday! (it is also my birthday; presents are welcome but not mandatory). There will be some big things happening in May to celebrate. The first is a new web site design I plan to implement the first week. The second is I will release the long awaited OSS book. It’s almost done and when I figure out this whole printing thing I’ll put it up for sale on the site.
(I’ll let you-all know how the trip went)