I do have some ideas for getting Doug out of the hospital bed and getting the gang back together but stuff keeps getting in the way.
I’m still in search of a full-time position after my layoff in 2017. I’ve been doing contract and freelance since but no full-time job has come thru. That combined with issues around helping to care for my elderly parents are leaving me a bit drained.
So, nothing drastic is going on. As they say in HitchHiker’s “It’s just life”.
So…. what’s going on?
Hey Joe.
How are you doing? You’ve not given an update in too long. Any word would be nice…
Hi Zyxian,
Thanks for writing!
Yes, it has been a while.
I do have some ideas for getting Doug out of the hospital bed and getting the gang back together but stuff keeps getting in the way.
I’m still in search of a full-time position after my layoff in 2017. I’ve been doing contract and freelance since but no full-time job has come thru. That combined with issues around helping to care for my elderly parents are leaving me a bit drained.
So, nothing drastic is going on. As they say in HitchHiker’s “It’s just life”.
Thank you for replying.
Sorry you haven’t found a full time gig yet. Hopefully there is enough freelance stuff that you aren’t eating top ramen 24/7.
Be sure to enjoy any moments you can while taking care of your parents – it helps ease the loss we all feel when they are gone.
Did you hear? Hulu has put into the works a HitchHiker’s series.
I hope you are doing o.k. and staying safe.
It seems I have a knack of wanting to check in in July.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Thank you. Happy New Year to you and yours! I think everyone can use a new one.
Glad to see you’re doing alright after this time. Best wishes to you Joe.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you too, though I am a few days late.
Seems like we both have a habit of checking in every so often.
Happy Memorial Day. May we all remember the meaning of the day.
Merry Christmas Joe to you and your family.
Hope everyone is doing well, I keep checking on OSS comic every so often to see if there has been an update.
Happy Halloween Joe.
Merry Christmas Joe.
Happy New Year Joe and Family.
Happy 4th of July Joe.
Happy Halloween everyone! Just checking in again, hope all is well.
Any updates Joe?
Happy Thanksgiving !
Happy Thanksgiving to all, and hope everyone is doing well.
Joe, I hope you and your family have a Very Merry Christmas.